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A Vale of Soul Making Book

When people of faith are suffering, they struggle with the notions that God is letting them suffer or simply doesn't care if they're suffering. They argue against the injustice of their circumstances, building a case for why they obeyed God only to be deserted in their time of need. The general belief that many Christians hold that God will protect them from earthly harm and pain is false. What God more correctly promises is to walk with his children through pain. God is pleased as he witnesses the maturing of our faith, character and resolve to serve Him. God knows the eternal purpose he has for each one of us. He knows that all of our experiences in this life, joyful and painful, mold us into the beings he wants us to be for all eternity. Life is not purely about finding God and waiting to transition from this world into the next. Life is about growth and equipping ourselves for God's eternal purpose and, as difficult as it is to experience, this equipping includes hardship. This world is a vale of soul-making. God doesn't leave us when we're suffering rather, he allows us to experience the complete journey of life leading toward eternal joy and contentment by fitting ourselves for his infinite purpose.



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