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My name is Maurice W. Lusk, lII.  My wife and I have a wonderful marriage of 56 years, and have 4 children and 10 grandchildren, which has made for a very fulfilled life.  For 45 years I’ve served as a minister of Christ, in various roles.  My pulpit ministry has been in the service of six congregations, with additional service in the classroom of two educational institutions.  I served as Dean of Academic Affairs at Southeastern Biblical Institute, where I taught courses in New Testament, NT Greek, and Theological Studies. During this time I wrote 3 books and edited  a scholarly bulletin for the Biblical Institute, which accrued a large readership.  I have completed 2 graduate degrees in Biblical and Theological Studies; a Master’s of Arts in Religion (MAR) with a major in New Testament, with an emphasis in the Greek text, from Harding Graduate School of Religion in Memphis TN and a Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree in New Testament, with an emphasis in Christology, from Emory University’s Candle School of Theology, in Atlanta, GA; both degrees with honors.


Prior to the creation of this blog I hosted a website titled, which I was forced to discontinued after a development of spinal stenosis, resulting in six spinal surgeries over a seven year period, leaving me wheelchair bound.  I have renewed my website with a blog component (  I have a large library of almost 3,000 volumes, and  good skills with both Apple and Microsoft computers.  All this I have said to introduce my qualifications for writing a blog with a focus on Biblical and Theological studies, following the suggestion of Susan Gunelius in her massive 739 page volume on Blogging, which I highly recommend.


 I hope to continue my service to Christ by developing a blog after the admonition of Sir Walter Scott, with reference to the search of Scripture, “The more deeply he works the mine” he writes, “ the richer and more abundant grows the ore.”



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